Jesus' prayerbook that he used daily was the psalms. The psalms then spell out how Jesus would have worshipped and the kind of religion he supported. The psalms are very clear that trusting a friend to bring back the book you loaned her and trusting God to end your trouble and act on a problem are much the same thing. God works in the same way as the friend. He acts human.
It is very dangerous to let yourself be arrested or whatever thinking God is going to rescue you. And the psalms for example encouraged that very danger.

Jesus went too far with promising answers to prayer – Matthew 21:21, 22. Matthew 18:19 to 20. Mark 11:24. John 14:13-14. Remember these things were said to ordinary people most of whom had a simple straightforward faith. The doctrine that you must expect the clear solution to a specific problem to come from above not just a vague one is in the New Testament – read 1 John 5:14 to 15. Read Philippians 4:6 to 7. Those people clearly took advantage of silly people who imagine their prayers are always answered. Such cranks are relatively common.
And Jesus and co were to blame for the deaths of many in the early days of the Church.

Even today the cruelty of having people praying and pray in cathedrals and churches in wartime for peace is condoned and as good as commanded. Millions lost their lives in the Second World War regardless. Gnostic Christians, if they were around today, might argue that the prayers backfired for they prayed to the God who runs the world and who is a bad God, the Demiurge.


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