Both Protestants and Catholics argue that the wages of sin is eternal loss of God in Hell.

But Catholics hold that not all sin is casting God out.  It is just chipping at your relationship with him.

Protestants tell us that it is so clear that anybody who says that mortal sin is infinitely malign is correct.  They say it is because God hates evil infinitely.  And also because he is infinite love, he deserves only complete love from us. While sins differ in malice the basic rejection of God is still there.

Looking at sin from another angle provides another way of proving all sin to be quenching all love for God. Rome says that blasphemy is always a mortal sin for it is ingratitude measured by the degree of the love that it throws back in the loving one’s face which is God’s in this case and his love has no end or limit. Now, every sin insults God like blasphemy does so all sin must be mortal. For example, when you sin you are telling God that you are more important than him and if works not words are used you are blaspheming him as much as you would be with sign-language. The Catholic Church is showing a shocking deceitful and self-righteous side when she declines to recognises all sin as blasphemy in its own way.

Let’s try another angle again. If I get forgiven for five murders by God and do not forgive others I am ungrateful for the forgiveness I got for God wants me to forgive like he has forgiven me. To be ungrateful for my pardoning is to virtually declare that I have ceased to be sorry for the offence I offered God. It is to offer the same insult to God all over again. Though God will not un-forgive my murders and make me guilty of them again I am as bad as before for I have tried to get my pardon cancelled and am putting new sins in the pardoned ones place. It is the same if I refuse to forgive myself even for an instant for I am just as valuable as anyone else. Being unforgiving makes all the pardons you got count for nothing. For example, if God forgives you for murder and you do not forgive others then you insult that forgiveness and became as bad as a murderer again. You are saying that you are glad you killed and are reversing the repentance that gave you mercy. Jesus utilized this logic in Matthew 18. By not forgiving he warned that you end up as bad as you were before God forgave you. It follows that pardoned mortal sinners cannot refuse any forgiveness to another without committing a mortal sin. It would be evil to get forgiveness for a serious sin and fail to forgive others for less. The lesser the sin you won’t pardon the worse your ingratitude is. Nearly everybody is a mortal sinner at that rate. If you didn’t believe in God this problem wouldn’t exist which would be proof that the Devil is behind all God religion if he really wants all people damned in Hell. Now you know the real depths of Jesus’ compassion – shallow.
What if all sin is equally bad before God in intent even though the outward damage of the sin may differ? It remains a fact that you must instantly forgive any sin committed against you or another person for all are as bad as each other.

If I am pardoned for small sins and I can’t forgive a murderer or a rapist I must remember that all my sins many of which were to do with the fact that every moment I stay in sin is a fresh sin add up to grave harm. I cannot judge a person on one act and say I am better. I cannot say that I am entitled to be unmerciful to him for he did worse than I did.

If I think I should not forgive those who are “worse” then me then that logic would tell me to forgive only those people who are as good as me. So, if anybody commits one small sin more than I have I should not forgive them.

If I sin I do not forgive myself as long as I am unrepentant so it is the mortal sin of being ungrateful for the gift of pardon.

The gravity of ingratitude is measured by the value of the thing one is ungrateful for. God’s pardon for any sin is infinitely valuable for it enables us to be one with him and to have infinite happiness so the slightest wilful ingratitude is an infinite insult. You cannot want God or Heaven if you are not grateful. When you sin, you can’t be anything other than a mortal sinner when all sin is infinite ingratitude.

What we have learned so far contradicts the Catholic doctrine that unforgiveness is not always mortally sinful and that you can be pardoned while adhering to venial sin. Catholics teach that if you reject God by serious sin your repenting of some of your sins while you adhere to the rest is hypocrisy and an insult to God. So if you repent some serious sins and not others it is no good if you want God's pardon. There is no forgiveness until you turn to God and shed all the serious sins. Catholics only imagine that they are forgiven.
As a religion that say that sins have different levels of gravity as regards responsibility, Catholicism should say that it is a far bigger offence to God to refuse to forgive a small sin than a big one. But so low is its morality that it does not. So-called venial sinners are welcomed to communion!

Every sin in the universe contains and element of being unforgiving. Even when the victim has done you no harm there is something that you can have against her or him and you are giving her or him a reason to withhold forgiveness from you which is as bad as being unforgiving yourself. Even the most secret sin adversely affects others in some supernatural way (1 Corinthians 12:26- its saying that when one suffers all suffer does not mean that all suffer because of their sympathy for not all would be that caring. Every sin brings down on you the infinite consequences of being unforgiving for it is being unforgiving. Not forgiving somebody is bad because it is wishing to harm somebody or see them harmed when they should not be. To harm the innocent is wrong for the same reason so harming an innocent has the same effect as being unforgiving and so one is as harmful as the other.

Like St Paul, the Catholic Church teaches that we must forgive all who have injured us as an indication of gratitude for God having so graciously pardoned us in Christ. These days the Catholic Church is obsessed with telling people to forgive one another and why they should. And it is said that sinners doing good deeds and feeling content about risking their souls is one of Satan’s evil fruits that look good.

The Church accepts Catholics who make little effort to learn what sins are mortal and what are not. But when these people sin the sin may not be mortal in itself but the fact that they committed it and didn’t care if it was mortal or not is.

If my good works are done while I have a “venial” sin on my conscience then they are as fake as the Turin Shroud. I am telling God, “Take this good but I am not repenting.” The good is not really meant to be good in that case. When I sin I cannot do anything good so to sin is to put all love for the Lord out of my heart. It is a mortal sin. I have stolen the heart that belongs to my God. Venial sin does not exist. Those who say it does must ask themselves if they are being hypocritical.

To commit a venial sin would be to take a step closer to committing mortal sin. It is expressing your will that if it leads you to commit a mortal sin then so be it. But that attitude is a mortal sin. To wilfully make yourselves open to mortal sin is willing a mortal sin to take place. The Church teaches that nobody loses their faith except through failing to pray which is a sin or some other sin that is committed too much. So if you are a Catholic and cease to be convinced, you are an evil person. This is an unkind assessment and it is one the Church does not shy from. So sin then reduces your faith and increases the tendency to doubt. Doubt or denial of the faith is the ultimate sin for it is turning your back on what the Church says about sin and God. Therefore all sin must be mortal for it reduces your faith.

Also, to do good and refuse to sanctify that good and make it real good by casting all sin, even if it is only all venial sin, out of your heart would be a mortal sin and casting ridicule on the good when that good is major. The better the good the more I put it up for ridicule by doing it in sin. It is a mortal sin to ridicule a person for saving a life. When you ridicule your own saving a life or something it must be a mortal sin too.
Does that mean that we are not allowed to do good while adhering to unrepented sin? The answer is practically speaking we have to do good but hypothetically speaking it is a pity. We are not allowed to see the good as real good but as a counterfeit. You chose the sin so you choose the results and limitations sin causes. If you want to do the good for real, repent the sin first. To do good while being evil is necessary but still you defile the good by doing it. Hypothetically if not in practice, you should not be doing good when you are in a state of sin.
The more good you do in a state of sin the more you mock the good. The more you lose sight of what real good is. You must be ready to do immense good such as saving lives at all times. You must have no sin. Not to be ready by repenting of venial sin as soon as it is committed would be a mortal sin. It is like refusing to do something easy and reasonable in order to save others from death or Hell. The more good you do in a state of sin the worse the blasphemy is. This implies that the venial sinner should no do good and the less good done the better. This is hypothetical. God tells us we must never ever sin and that if saving a life would be a sin for us through conscience or circumstance then it should not be done. So God would prefer you refraining from a good action than carrying it out to profane it. It is endlessly worse if it is a mortal sinner and not a venial sinner. Jesus was hostile to hypocrisy like no other sin which suggests that we should refrain from helping others if it would be hypocritical. That means we are never allowed to help others for we are always stained by sin.

Today it is accepted that the person is the absolute value. Life is more important than quality of life for life must be more important than quality when the quality of life matters. From this it follows that murder is the worst thing you could do. This contradicts Christianity as the apostles taught it under the inspiration of Jesus which sees hating God as worse and shows that true Christianity is anti-humanitarian and undermines the value of life over a theistic hypothesis. Many top Christians just pretend to honour the absolute value of life. The Catholic Church commits a mortal sin merely by espousing this attitude and if it were really open to virtue it would have the right view. We cannot make excuses for people who have bad opinions of others without proper cause. So anyway human life is the absolute value meaning that every moment of human life is precious too for it is a moment of life. Therefore to hurt a person is to hurt a precious moment of life and is seriously wrong.

Venial sin is a lie.  It follows that Catholicism is condoning grave mockery of God and watering it down as venial sin.  Protestants say your only hope is to turn to Jesus for him to forgive your sins and offer himself in your place for atonement.


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