Avalos has found Medjugorje challenges the resurrection evidence
Belief in Hell does harm actually and potentially
Bible God blesses anti-gay hate
Bible God commands murder but is the murder honour killing?
Bishop Huonder used violent texts to condemn gay lovemaking
Catholic underhand hatred for sinners
Catholicism makes saints of bad people
Christian teaching on Hell is in the Bible
Church lies that Hitler was not one of its own
Disgraceful Christian prayer in relation to Charlie Hebdo affair
Doctrine of everlasting torment leads to persecuting
Does Bible say woman is man's other half, his helper?
Does John 6 talk about a Heavenly Eucharist only?
End hereditary religion and let people make their own choices
Eternal punishment and mourning
Everlasting Punishment in Hell is not a hint of our dignity
Everlasting Punishment seems to say free will removed by God
Evil doctrine of everlasting punishment in Hell
Exposing Atheist Delusions by David Bentley Hart
Expressing faith in a higher power is harmful
Faith hides hate for alleged and real wrongdoers
Fr. Hauke responds to criticism from Medjugorje supporters
Give gays and straight people proper equality
God cannot risk damning us even if we damn ourselves
God has no struggles so God cannot relate to you as a hero
God hides and then does miracles which is too odd!
Hammer of witches a Catholic manual for hating women
Happiness and the Problem of God letting Evil happen
Happiness as side-effect of doing good
Happiness is not happiness if it needs sacrifice
Hating relatively harmless sins is deranged
Hawking gives light on the universe being fine-tuned
Heathen faiths do harm and always will
Heaven creates moral problems that show it is nonsense
Hebrews 11 treats faith as more important than facts
Hebrews denies Jesus can be verified
Hebrews in Bible refutes priests and masses as unChristian
Hebrews letter refutes the sacrifice of the mass as a sin
Hegesippus and the evidence for Jesus
Hell as in eternal punishment and Divine Mercy
Hell gives Christians meaning in life!
Hell is a doctrine that enforces hate
Hell is a useless doctrine except for religious bullies
Heresy features in the visions of Medjugorje
Heresy is parasitic on the religion's truth claim
Heresy is sin of putting your "truth" before God's revealed truth
Hick on the absurdity of Jesus being both God and Man
Hinduism is another human religion
History of Bible literalism ie taking the Bible seriously
History shows the papacy is just a political/religious invention
Hitchen's Razor an assertion without evidence can be dismissed without evidence
Hitchens v Blair ask Is religion a force for good?
Hitler and how Jesus and Christianity made him executioner
Holy Innocents the alleged baby victims of a massacre by Herod
Holy See just got statehood it didn't deserve, then it played along
Honor thy father and thy mother is allegedly the commandment of God
Honour is for me or about what I do and is this being mercenary?
Honour is love in Christianity and is the essential weapon for oppression,
Honouring bad scriptures is using words as violence
Hope and discernment for atheists
Hope Endures exposes Mother Teresa
Hope is dross compared to optimism
Hoping "evil" people drop dead so that others will be spared
Hostile Request to be released from RC Church
How a sane person can report nonsensical visions
How good is the good God draws from evil, or that just comes from it?
How Hell Belief makes you Uncaring
How religion handwaves with evil and offers fake solutions
Humanae Vitae bans birth control and thus killed millions of women
If we are God's children then we are equal to God!
Is Hell unlocked meaning the damned won't leave?
Is Sam Harris right to say that wellbeing and morality are the same?
Is the Catholic Church as holy as it says it is?
Is unworthy communion homicide?
Jesus through Council of Trent approves capital punishment murder
Jesus's dungeon of horrors in Hell!
King Herod has Jesus risen before Jesus rose!
Moral dilemma of saving a bad person or a good one in a fire
Open Letter to Bishop Boyce Raphoe Diocese
Pope Francis, homophobic pope and trans hater
Pope Honorius is an arch-heretic proving the pope is not infallible
Reclaiming my only true power: owning myself
Religion is a hijacker that tries to steal the best in other systems
Religion lies about being a hospital for sinners?
Selflessness as a principle turns choosing happiness into sin
Talk about evil causes the evil of halo-shining
Testing Schopenhauer's claim that we are the only evil animal
The Bible leads to much violence against children by parents
The comfort religion gives has a bad side
The hated papal heretic, Pope Honorius
The hell doctrine forces people to hate
The homosexual who is active in the Catholic Church
The superstition that holy souls in Purgatory are helpless
Theo Hobson's unfair view of atheist values in his God Created Humanism
Thinking about homophobia and its religious aspects
Those in Heaven enjoy the suffering of those in Hell
Weil versus the hateful God of power
What if God is hallucinating that he is God or can give us orders?
What is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence
Why claiming healing powers is pride
Why is the eternal Hell doctrine almost a staple in the religious menu?
Why Letterkenny Hospital Chapel Closure is right
Why the Holy Spirit notion is so offensive
World means secular and God supposedly hates it